Notes from NEET topper

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity:

  1. Temperature: Enzymes have an optimal temperature at which they work most efficiently. Above this temperature, they may denature and lose activity.

  2. pH: Enzymes have an optimal pH range. Variations in pH can affect the enzyme’s structure and, consequently, its activity.

  3. Substrate Concentration: As substrate concentration increases, enzyme activity generally increases until a point of saturation is reached when all enzyme active sites are occupied.

  4. Cofactors and Coenzymes: Some enzymes require non-protein molecules called cofactors or coenzymes to function. These can be metal ions or small organic molecules.

  5. Inhibitors: Enzyme activity can be inhibited by substances known as inhibitors. Competitive inhibitors compete with the substrate for binding to the enzyme’s active site, while non-competitive inhibitors bind to a different site, altering the enzyme’s shape.

  6. Activators: Certain molecules, called activators, can enhance enzyme activity. They may bind to the enzyme and stabilize its active conformation.